für die digitale
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Text to Change – Mobile4Development

Konferenz:  reCampaign 2012

Text to Change (TTC) is a non-profit organisation based in Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and Kampala (Uganda) which uses sophisticated mobile phone technology (SMS, voice, data/apps) to send out and receive information on health, education, economic development and governance in developing countries. Our campaigns are aimed at empowering and informing individuals and groups on those issues.
In this workshop, we will share best practice examples for using mobile phone as a medium for development work and to achieve behavioural change(s). We will look at the right mix of tools needed to engage people and at how best to communicate and interact with local communities. We will share some of the lessons learned over the years and highlight potential risks to be avoided.

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veröffentlicht am 20. Juli 2012


Keynote: Content for Change

Konferenz:  reCampaign 2012

How do you make change happen, both in your organisation and beyond it, when you have only small change to spend? No matter how limited your resources, setting out a strategy for your content gives you the best chance of meeting your audience with a clear message and an experience they’ll remember – and leaves you with a sustainable plan for keeping their attention.
In fact, the more limited your resources, the more important a focused approach to your content activities can be. But precisely because of its broad reach, content can seem diffuse and hard to quantify.
Using a variety of examples from content strategies for brands large and small with varying needs and objectives, we’ll discuss the elements of the content lifecycle: from analysis to diagnosis, and from production to delivery, measurement and governance. We’ll talk about how to get started and how to get your existing content processes under control.
The goals of your particular strategy will depend on your mission and your audience, and the test of any strategic approach is the ease with which it can adapt to change – but by putting clear steps in place, you can make sure your organisation and its content are prepared for any event.

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veröffentlicht am 20. Juli 2012

Liken, Sharen, Crowdfunden – Wie Online-Trends den Stiftungssektor in Deutschland verändern

Konferenz:  reCampaign 2012

Die USA machen es vor. Was wir davon nachmachen sollten, zeigen wir in diesem Workshop. Online-Kommunikation ist in US-amerikanischen Stiftungen weit entwickelt, nicht zuletzt dank größerer Teams und Budgets. Wir haben uns auf die Reise gemacht und mit amerikanischen Stiftungen gesprochen. In unserem Workshop stellen wir aktuelle Trends wie Content Strategy, Mapping oder Productive Failure vor und präsentieren zwei konkrete Beispiele, um gemeinsam zu diskutieren, ob und wohin sich der Blick über den Atlantik lohnt. Der Workshop wird gemeinsam von Anja Adler und Joana Breidenbach gehalten.

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veröffentlicht am 15. Juli 2012

Social Media for Global Good

Konferenz:  reCampaign 2012

Social media presents us with a huge opportunity to engage new audiences, start new conversations, and grow public support for solving some of the world’s largest problems. Despite the tough economic challenges facing many countries today, it’s essential that the world does not forget the urgency and need to address the big development issues.</p>
<p>In this session, Gates Foundation Chief Communications Officer Kate James will discuss how digital media platforms can be used for good and the enormous potential of this global network. She’ll talk about social media strategy, audience analysis, recent campaigns, and what we’ve learned as we move towards creating a truly international conversation for global good.

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veröffentlicht am 15. Juli 2012