Momentum for Big Organizing: How the Bernie and Corbyn movements are helping to build a new politics
reCampaign 2018
Sprecher/in: Becky Bond
The innovative use of tech-enabled mass participation was key to the breakthrough campaigns of Bernie Sanders in the U.S. and Jeremy Corbyn in the U.K. All around the world, people are showing that they are willing to do something big to win something big. Learn about the new model for engagement campaigns that is emerging for candidates bold enough to propose solutions as radical as the problems we face and embrace a volunteer-led management structure powered by mostly consumer technology.
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veröffentlicht am 14. März 2018
Unterhöhlt die Marketingkultur das politische Campaigning?
reCampaign 2018
Sprecher/in: Alice Gittermann, Anne Jung, Jean Peters, Sebastian Jabbusch, Christine Plaß
Die Digitalisierung ist in der Zivilgesellschaft angekommen. Sie hat die Kommunikations- und Kampagnenarbeit zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen verändert und neue Instrumente verankert: Facebook-Seiten, Hashtags, Gamification und Online-Petitionen. Sie hat neue Berufsbilder etabliert: Online-Campaigner*innen, Social Media Redakteur*innen, Content-Strateg*innen, Engagement-Spezialist*innen und Business Development Directors. Und sie hat klassische Marketing-Mechanismen mitgebracht: Suchmaschinenoptimierung, Facebook Ads und den Ausbau des Newsletterverteilers.
Bleibt da noch Platz für Inhalte? Steht bei zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen nicht mehr das politische Ziel im Vordergrund, sondern Reichweite, Klick-Zahlen und das eigene Image? Anders gefragt: Unterhöhlt die Marketingkultur das politische Campaigning? Und braucht die Zivilgesellschaft einen Paradigmenwechsel für die Kampagnenarbeit? Wenn ja: Wie könnte der aussehen?
In der Diskussion wollen wir einen Blick nach vorne wagen und nach Antworten suchen, ob und wie Kampagnenarbeit im digitalen Zeitalter neu gedacht werden muss.
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veröffentlicht am 14. März 2018
Lifestyle solidarity: the ethics of doing good in the 21st century
reCampaign 2018
Sprecher/in: Lilie Chouliaraki
In the 21st century, lifestyle solidarity invites people to care about those in need in ways that are radically different from practice of solidarities in the past. In her keynote, Lilie critically explores the different techniques through which lifestyle solidarity is actualized today: corporate branding, show business, celebrity and digital media (clicking, liking, sharing etc). Reflecting on the implications of this form of solidarity for ‚us‘ and for ‚them‘, she suggests alternatives for a new imagination of what a 21st century solidarity might look like.
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veröffentlicht am 14. März 2018
Ethical Design – why it matters.
reCampaign 2016
Sprecher/in: Tristan Harris
We check our phones more than 150 times per day. Knowledge workers spend a third of their day in email. Teenagers (aged 14-17) send 4,000 texts/month, or every six minutes awake. The more we live by our screens and spend time there, the more we live by design choices made by a small number of designers – a handful of young, mostly men, living in the Bay Area of California, working at a handful of tech companies.
“Time Well Spent” is a movement to spark a new conversation about the kind of future we want from the technology industry. Instead of a “time spent” economy where apps and websites compete for how much they get us to spend time, Time Well Spent aims to create an ecosystem competing to help us live by our values and spend time well.
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veröffentlicht am 9. November 2016
20-somethings Undertaking Journalism – Redefining A New Form of Citizenship Through New Media
reCampaign 2016
Sprecher/in: Engin Önder
Founded in 2012, 140journos is a collaborative information-gathering and dissemination project that has responded to the self-censorship of the mainstream media in Turkey by taking matters into its own hands as ordinary citizens. After huge success as a Twitter-based livefeed that helped document the lawsuits in 2012, the Gezi Park protests 2013, the project has transformed itself with a new approach that embraces in-depth stories, interactive mapping, data visualization, and long-form reportage across multiple social media platforms. This session will show-and-tell of the cutting edge of modern day activism in Turkey. Co-founder Önder will describe how the innovative media project is filling a news gap left by politically compromised mainstream outlets and how the new 140journos is using new media tools to restore the meaning of citizenship in Turkey.
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veröffentlicht am 3. November 2016